First, the Norwood location of Hometown Arcade is awesome! They not only have pinball, but they have the best set of arcade games in the area. And, Hometown Arcade is home to my favorite variant of air hockey: Pac-Man Smash. Hometown is a must-visit if you make it to the area.
But, for pinball, they have an excellent lineup. You get a sweet selection of new, the hotness, and some classics. At the time of this post, Hometown Arcade in Norwood, MA, has 14 pinball machines. Check the Pinball Map app for the up-to-date listing of pinball machines.

I picked Hometown Arcade to finally get to play Avatar: The Battle for Pandora pinball by Jersey Jack Pinball, designed by Mark Seiden and featuring artwork by Lea Faske. I love using Pinball Map to find new locations and locations that have the game that I want to play. Hometown had Avatar and Metallica Remastered. This was going to be a two-for-one trip!
I got to Hometown Aracde pretty much at the opening. I quickly scanned the pinball lineup to see if the Pinball Map listing was accurate. I saw all of the games that I came to play. BUT. Avatar was the only machine turned off.

While playing some other games, someone came over and opened up Avatar. I got to take a peak at the insides of this crazy complex machine.

It turns out that Avatar was only missing a ball. The tech added a ball, turned it on, and the machine came back to life. This someone turned out to be Matt, the owner of Hometown Aracde. Matt was awesome to chat with. He had created a welcoming arcade and a great place for pinball.

Avatar: The Battle for Pandora
I got to play Avatar: The Battle for Pandora pinball a bunch of times over a few hours. This game is glorious. I will try to summarize my experience here, but it is worth seeking out and giving it a try.
First, it’s the complete package: theme, art, code, and pinball gameplay. I didn’t get into the Avatar movies, but I could appreciate that the theme tied into the game. There were a lot of Avatar words and names that didn’t resonate with me: Meuia, Eyw’Eveng, Awa-atlu, Metkayina, Omatikaya, Oel Nagati Kameie. The labels seem too arbitrary to me since I didn’t see the movies. What I know about Avatar is that the movies are spectacles set in a huge world… and the papyrus font is used on off-brand teas and multibillion-dollar movie franchises.
The pinball gameplay is excellent. There are a lot of shots; some are straightforward, and others require clean hits from both sets of flippers. This game requires some time to learn the shots so you can experience more of the story and gameplay. My first few games ended quickly.
The big pinball moment for me came when I got to have the ball travel under the playfield and interact with the two “underwater” stations. Both stations offered a unquie pinball experience. Both were surprising on how to interact with them-a pop bumper and mini ball with smaller flippers. It was satisfying to defeat the “crab” (I am sure it has some Avatar-ified name).
As I played, I discovered Eclipse mode. This is where the whole game came together for me. At some point, the lighting changed, and it felt like I was playing a different machine. The game switched to UV lighting, which revealed a new world. Incredible.

This is the first pinball machine that I had to pay attention to balls that flowed down from the top sides. There are two upper playfield flippers. On most machines with upper playfield flippers, you can choose to flip them to get to new parts of the game or let the balls flow down to the bottom flippers and shoot the normal shots. This game required me to flip them from the upper playfield flippers every time. If you don’t move the pinball off the machine’s top sides, the balls will drain and end your turn abruptly. I found that I had to pay attention to the upper flippers.
I got to set the high score… the high score of the day. I was the only one who played it that day. I like that Jersey Jack Pinball has temporal high scores. It made me feel good. On other machines, you are not likely to have a high score, and not in my area, where some of the top-rated players in the world live.

All in all… I highly recommend you check out Avatar: The Battle for Pandora from Jersey Jack Pinball. It is an elevated pinball experience that will keep you wanting to get better so you can experience more of the game.