Pandemic binge watching was/is a thing. Do you remember those days? As a family we had fun with The Mandalorian and WandaVision and lots of other shows on YouTube. I enjoyed the time watching but nothing prepared me for Ted Lasso.
This post will be spoiler free, but it will be a post to encourage you to drop what you are doing, sign in/up to Apple TV and watch Ted Lasso. You need this show in your life. I say this with no irony, no sarcasm and in 100% full-faith.

We started watching Ted Lasso and watched all 10 episodes. SNL alum, Jason Sudeikis stars as the Ted Lasso. The titular character is perfection. Ted is operating at a higher level. He understands what he’s doing and he likes to prove those judging a book by its cover wrong. He says, “Be curious, not judgmental.” Ask people questions. Get to know them. When I grow up I want to be like Ted. Or, I should say, we could all be a little more like Ted and the world would be a better place. Although, the show is called Ted Lasso, the show is not a one trick pony. Ted Lasso is a brilliant ensemble. All of the characters are well developed and evolve over the season. You cheer for each character. You care. You get introduced to new ones and also care about them. I am impressed with the show on so many levels: the writing, the acting, the story, the humor, and the feeling. There are so many small moments that just deliver.
The show delivers the best sports moment of my life, no fooling. I have been watching sports since I have been a kid and I have never been more invested in a sports team, albeit a made up one. I still get chills thinking about the moment in the show. You don’t have to like sports to like the show. You just have to like a good show and it looks a lot of people like the show as it’s one topic we can all agree on lately.
Don’t have Apple TV? If you bought a new iPhone, you might have access to it. Also, Apple TV offers a free 7-day trial. That’s more than enough time to get hooked on Ted Lasso by the time season two rolls out. You’re welcome.
This is the way, the Lasso Way. Barbeque sauce.