CheerLights now supports the MQTT protocol. This means that devices and apps can receive real-time updates to changes in the CheerLights color without polling for the latest color.
How to use MQTT
Connect your device to and subscribe to the “cheerlights” topic. When the CheerLights color changes, the color name will be streamed to your device. You no longer have to poll for the latest CheerLights color on the ThingSpeak API.
Here are the valid color names:
- red (#FF0000)
- green (#008000)
- blue (#0000FF)
- cyan (#00FFFF)
- white (#FFFFFF)
- oldlace / warmwhite (#FDF5E6)
- purple (#800080)
- magenta (#FF00FF)
- yellow (#FFFF00)
- orange (#FFA500)
- pink (#FFC0CB)
Check out the CheerLights API documentation for more detail.
Star Wars R2D2 Lamp on Twitch
This news is just in time for an R2D2 Lamp live streaming on Twitch.
Is there a library that I can use with the cheerlights API?